Empress Xie

Empress Xie

classification: Science fiction
update: 3分鐘前

Actually, when I was being dragged to kneel by the palace eunuch, I didn't know what was going on. But seeing everyone else kneeling down in unison, with the eunuchs' foreheads almost touching the bluestone floor, I also clumsily followed suit. 。It took a while to realize that the emperor had arrived. 。The Emperor has arrived!Xie Ning and Bian, just like always, knelt down respectfully without daring to raise their heads. 。Looking at the bluestone pavement 。Because someone diligently swept every day, the ground wasn't dirty. However, over time, moss would naturally form within the bricks, with deep green lines crisscrossing like a go board spreading throughout the bricks. 。It's not just the brick itself, even the surface of the bricks has pits and scratches from being used for so long. Inside, there are shades of green, some deep, some shallow. 。Xie Ning was engrossed and very pleased with himself, until a pair of black boots embroidered with gold dragons stopped in front of him, stepping on the stone brick. 。The embroidery on the boots is so good! The dragon eyes are so lively. 。The emperor's boots are really clean, not just the shoe face but even the boot shaft is spotlessly clean, without a speck of dust. 。Xie Ning didn't think the emperor stopped because of him. 。,It has been two and a half years since I have been in the palace.,Without a steadfast heart, enduring such day-to-day loneliness, people would truly be slowly warped and changed.。

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